The Course
The direction of this teaching is to the certainty that it is possible for you as a member of the species Homo Sapiens, as you define yourself, to undergo an experience in your mind that will show you a new reality based on eternal life, rather than the conditioned reality in which you find yourself. Certainly there's nothing new about the idea that there is a process by which you individually could have an experience of... let's use, "God".
A Course in Miracles, obviously could not be a course that comes from a perceptual framework, since a miracle is something that defies description within the human parameter of self-identity.
A Course in Miracles is a course in your individual discovery of a new self-realization, that is, a contact with another form or essence of reality that literally transforms your mind.
Now, that's what the Course in Miracles says it is, and that's what we finally are determined that you will begin to exercise, if you choose this mind-training device that will afford you, quite literally, the enlightenment of your own mind... continue
The Way • The Truth • The Life
o n l i n e
A Direct Encounter With Jesus Christ
In The Evolution and Enlightenment
of The Human Species
An Illuminating Documentary Film
A unique documentary
film that reveals the
process of individual
spiritual enlightenment
as experienced and communicated by
many of those who
were awakened by the
A Course In Miracles Unleashed -- Trailer
Wisconsin Dells, WI, USA
July 19-21, 2013
Click here for details
Introducing A Course In Miracles
Weekly and Monthly Classes
in Madison and Fond du Lac, Wisconsin
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About This Site
revolutionary mind training program of Jesus Christ in His incomparable Course In Miracles... continue
As a transformative imperative, A Course in Miracles will perfectly assist and accelerate the necessary confrontation of your objective self-identify and the whole subjective universe that surrounds you, so that you may undergo your inevitable experience of resurrection and enlightenment.
It is the rite of your passage from time to eternity, from the apparent occurrence of separation to the remembrance that you are perfect as God created you. It is accomplished through a bright reassociation of your individual perceptual self-identity.
It is an awakening. This unearthly catechism is directing you to
the confrontation of the necessity of parting the veil.
Every obstacle that peace must flow across is surmounted in the exact same way. The fear that raised it yields to the love beyond, and so the fear is gone.
The purpose of this website is to assist you in any possible way to awaken from this dream of death and desolation, and remember that you are at home in Heaven.

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